"The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29 NIV)
The idea of Animal sacrifice is so foreign to us. These days we can be put in jail for treating animals cruelly. Yet Animal sacrifice was God’s way of showing just how costly our sin is.
Year after year an innocent lamb was chosen to be sacrificed as a remembrance of God freeing Israel from slavery in Egypt. This is what the Passover was about.
The animal’s blood would be sprinkled on the alter and later, they could eat the sacrificed lamb. The lamb selected had to be without blemish – perfect. Imagine sacrificing your prized breeding lamb! It was a costly sacrifice of a precious possession.
When it came time for God to free His creation from slavery to sin, God didn’t ask us to offer something costly or precious to us, instead, he offered a sacrifice of great cost to himself.
Every aspect of the Passover lamb was fulfilled in every detail by the Lamb of God - Jesus
Jesus was the perfect lamb of God, he was without blemish, and was sacrifice, His blood spilt for the forgiveness of our sin, and now we remember His sacrifice by sharing a meal.
John recognized Jesus as the TRUE lamb of God from the very beginning, that esus came to save, redeem and ransomed us from slavery to sin. .
Prayer: Thank you Jesus for the price you paid, that I may live in freedom from sin. All honour and praise to you. Amen
Robbie Townsend